Thursday, 30 July 2015

21st Cupcake Fit For a King!

Hey everyone!

How are we all doing? 

I understand that I have been a bit quiet recently and yes I do need to post more and I also know that some of the post that will be new today, are actually in fact old - as far as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter go. But if you head on over to Sprinkle, Sparkle and Magic Life there is an update on why I've been so quiet recently. 

But for now, lets take a look at this GIANT cupcake! I do love making them, they're just so fun and wonderful to create!!

I apologise for the photo's I understand that they aren't very good, but believe it or not, this is from my phone and the phone has a better camera than my actual camera...if that just made any sense? 

The above photo is a little 'plaque' that was made, small dint's we're placed around the side to make it have a different effect and look, I was going for a gold coin look. It then was sprayed with silver Shimmer spray and then I carefully painted on the lettering and number :) With vodka and gel colours. 

Close up of that smooth, velvety buttercream! 

The cake was Victoria sponge with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream in the centre, vanilla buttercream was also swirled on top too! 

Crispy M&M's we're added inside the cake as a surprise and then topped around the cake to give off the effect of sprinkles! The base of the cake was solid blue candy melts with added white chocolate. With the cake placed inside it!

The lettering that you can see on the above photo and the one all the way at the top was a lovely mint green coloured sugarpaste and was made using Windsor's Clikstix's. Which took me some time to get used to at first, but I have sussed out the magic trick now! 

I also made a mini Desperado's beer bottle as asked by the customer. Had carved, then sprayed with gold and silver shimmer spray. and hand painted label! I am so proud and happy on how it turned out. I haven't got a clearer picture I am afraid but will try and find one! 

All in all, what can I say? I just LOVE making the giant cupcakes, they are so fun to create and you can go all out on them! Even though they are still the range in some aspects, they never seem to bore me or fail to make me amazed! 

Speak to you all soon, more blog posts to come!!

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