Monday, 30 March 2015

Back Log Update

Evening everyone!..Or Morning, whichever way you wish to look at it!

Hope you're all okay and had a fab day? We're still in the baking process, so I thought I would do a little blog post (with a little bit of back log, but remember! Not much back log, I did inform you all, do remember that!) 

I should do this more often shouldn't I? More fun and it's still as fun as my book review page, except I'm always baking! Nothing stopping me from popping a post on whilst things bake! 

So without further ado! 

Above on the left we have our Chunky-Dunk Shortbread! Lovely and crunchy on the outside, but soft and buttery on the inside with a sprinkle of sugar, plus there thick slices of shortbread and not thin! Perfect. 

On the right we heave some hearty Nutella muffins, these we're later covered in big helpings of Nutella but I sadly couldn't get a pic quick enough, as they all got eaten! 

Some cute, teeny, tiny flower sugar cookies! Perfect for something to nibble on or a mini snack! It made LOADS! (They we're small though!) 

Here we  have some 'Stained glass' Sugar cookies! I loved making these as a kid and still love making them now! Beautiful to make as decorations for the tree at Christmas or even just to bake and hold up near a window (Like I did, as you can see) Reminded me of my childhood, even though I'm not that old, but you get what I mean! ;)

And that's it for now, well, for this post anyway! I will do another little post, sadly it will be a belated update I'm afraid. But non the less, there will be an update! 

Bake soon, much love, 

Sprinkle, Sparkle and Magic


Sunday, 29 March 2015

I'm Back!

Hi Everyone! 

As the title says, I'm back! Did you miss me? 

Sorry i've not been on here for a while, a close family member passed away so we've been kind of kept busy or distant you might say. But I'm back now, slowly getting back into things, god job I have my baking ey? (Bit of Sheffield for you there haha) 

I'm currently typing this up on the Mac and honestly, I prefer using my windows laptop, they keys on the board are a bit meh, whereas the ones on my laptop (Lappy) are much speedier and free to move! 

Anywho! There has been some things happening since the last time I posted but not much, when I say that I mean there isn't a lot of back log - Which is GREAT! So onwards and upwards with the updates! 

So here is the second rose I ever made for college, it was supposed to go on my cake but I gave it to my Nan :') Which she loved, I wanted to give her the first ever roses that I made, but sadly she might not of been here when I would get my moderation date. 

Speaking of Moderation! It's in May! May!! Ahh I can't believe I finish my first year soon, god that's gone so quick even to say it's one lesson a week, it's still gone super quick. I will be sad to go. But when it's my last lesson, I shall do a post with EVERYTHING I have made in that year, which will  be good as I can see my progression.  Don't worry though, I'll be doing level 2 and 3!

So yeah, that's my rose! I've been looking forward to making these for a while, I'm still not perfect with them but I'm getting there, love making them though, it's so relaxing! 

Another thing from college that I made was Mike Wazowski! I mean look how cool he looks! Doesn't he just look fab? 

I love him to pieces and enjoyed making every bit of him, it was great fun and a new thing I learnt. I will attempt to make Sully one day! Plus Monsters Inc. Is my favourite film in the whole wide world an love it to bits! Would love to make a little Boo - Sugarpaste that is! Haha

More posts to come soon, may be a little bit of a spam - Only a small one! But I will try my best to keep them down. 

Much love, as always!

Sprinkle, Sparkle and Magic 

Monday, 2 March 2015

For All Your Information

Hi Everyone, please read the below message:
Just to let everyone know things may seem to get a bit quite in the next few weeks, so there may not be much posting going on through either sites or pages. But I will let you know when I'm back up to scratch. I don't want any of you to think I'm ignoring you or just can't be bothered to post because that is not the case. Going through some things at the moment but will be back. 
There may be some little posts from time to time but not as much, we're not going anywhere though, so please be patient with us, we're still here, we are NOT shutting down the page or anything, just a brake. I will however post the rest of my college work in the folders. 
Thank you all very much for sticking with us, 
Much love as always, 
Emma @ Sprinkle, Sparkle & Magic xxxx